Rishav Mandal

I build websites with a blend of frontend engineering and design experience.

Web developer / UI designer / CS student

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Who am I ?

I'm a final year computer science student with years of experience in building interactive and highly optimized web experiences.

But web development isn't only one thing I do. I have also learnt software engineering and love building algorithms in different programming languages.

And ofcourse I love to share my knowledge with the world so I write blogs ranging from technical to sometimes non-technical.


I am a self-taught creative web developer based in India. I specialize in frontend development with a strong focus on interactive design. As a computer science student I also have a strong focus on performance.

I'm great at building modern looking UI with micro interactions and animations, to building full SASS project.

My tech stack

I love using Svelte and SvelteKit, besides that here are the software and applications I use often.

SvelteKit / Astro / NextJS / Figma / Framer / Motion One / GSAP